About me

Hi! I am Xun Liu, a senior undergraduate majoring in Cybersecurity at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. Before that, I developed my interest in Computer Science and Computational thinking in Olympiad in Informatics (OI).

My current research interest lies in Trustworthy Machine Learning, especially in Large Language Models. Surrounding this topic, my research explores jailbreaking, backdoor attacks and adversarial attacks.

Whatever my future endeavors are, I shall steadfastly view the integration of technology and humanities as my life's mission. In a world increasingly dominated by digital advancements, I believe that preserving the essence of human culture and values is paramount. My journey will be dedicated to harmonizing the precision and innovation of technology with the depth and insight of the humanities. Of course, this vision presents a long road ahead, not just for me personally, but also for the academic and industrial worlds.


Research Experience

Publications and Preprints

Selected Projects

  1. Low-/Mid-Resource Language Jailbreaking LLM (python)
    The Trojan Detection Challenge 2023 (LLM Edition) [Leaderboard]
    • Most Compute-Efficient Special Award of Large Model Subtrack of Red Teaming Track.
    • Tools & technologies used: Python, PyTorch, LLaMa2.
    • Select 87 low- and 24 mid-resource languages and translate the malicious prompts via Baidu/DeepL/Azure API. Use GPT-3.5 to supervise the tautological transformation of target prompts.
    • Placed 5th in development phase of Large Model Subtrack of Red Teaming Track.

Teaching Experience

Honors and Awards

Paper Reading Presentations

Public Affairs


San Francisco Fleet Week

Golden Gate Bridge

THU library



Pin Bookmark

Yanqi Lake


On the CCTV tower

On the CCTV tower

On the CCTV tower